Inspiring Generations Through Education: The Edward and Eleanor Coltman Endowed Scholarship Fund 

Ted Coltman

In the heart of Manchester, Connecticut, lies the legacy of Edward and Eleanor Coltman, whose dedication and service have shaped the Manchester community for generations. 

In the early 1960s, Edward and Eleanor Coltman played pivotal roles in establishing Manchester Community College, illuminating pathways of educational opportunity across the region. Eleanor, an educator of boundless passion, not only imparted knowledge within MCC's classrooms but also served as a mentor for faculty and staff. Her efforts extended beyond academia, co-founding institutions like the Institute of Local History and advocating for the Hispanic community's empowerment through the Institute for the Hispanic Family. Eleanor's leadership garnered statewide recognition when she was appointed to the board of trustees for Connecticut's community colleges, leaving an indelible mark on the educational landscape. 

Edward Coltman's commitment to community service was equally profound. He was actively involved in organizations like the Manchester Scholarship Foundation, where he served as treasurer, and the Manchester Community Service Council. Edward's civic engagement extended to political and healthcare spheres, where he served on the Manchester Democratic Town Committee and the board of directors for Visiting Nurse and Health Services of Connecticut. 

Their son, Ted Coltman of Washington, D.C., fondly reminisces about his parents' commitment to education and community, which instilled in him a deep sense of civic responsibility. Honoring his parents' legacy, Ted established The Edward and Eleanor Coltman Endowed Scholarship Fund at MCC Foundation to ensure that their spirit of educational empowerment and community impact endures through the generations. 

Coltman shared, "By giving back to MCC Foundation, I honor my parents' legacy of service and dedication to education. They instilled in me the importance of making a difference in the lives of others, and supporting future generations through this scholarship fund is a meaningful way to carry their legacy forward.” 


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